1 Timothy 4:10 “…We trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe.”

Man originally was created to be a ruler over the earth. According to the Scriptures, in Genesis 1:26-31, man was to govern this earth. This delegated authority given to man was to be in cooperation with and under the supreme authority of God Almighty. Man lost his created place when sin was created through his disobedience (see Genesis 3). God never forgot His original intention for man. He provided the way to which man could be restored. The restoration is found in God’s sent Savior.

The word Savior is defined as a deliverer, one who makes man whole. Who is this Savior? God clearly reveals who His Savior is through the Scriptures. In Acts 5:30-31 it clearly states that Jesus Christ is God’s Savior for mankind. If Jesus Christ is the Savior, which He is, then who needs the Savior? The answer is found in 1 Timothy 4:10 “Who is the Savior of all men”. Every human that has lived on this earth needs Jesus, the God sent Savior. It is through Jesus, the Savior, that we are restored back to God’s original intent for mankind. Jesus is not just a way to God; He is the only way to God!

According to 1 Timothy 4:10, the work of the Savior is activated in our life by believing Him and His work done for us to make us whole. As we follow our Savior, He will make us what we ought to be. It’s time to know our Savior in a much deeper way! He has done everything that we need to return to our original created and God ordained intent.  

God Bless!